Monday Oct 09, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Isabel Foxen Duke
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Isabel Foxen Duke on our fat phobic society, how our limited defintion of recovery gets in the way,how to spot bias in our training and research, and how food policing directly contributes to weight stigma.
I was so excited to speak with the very passionate Isabel Foxen Duke, Health Coach and Emotional Eating specialist from San Francisco. Isabel has a "no holds barred" kinda attitude, which I absolutely love, and shares with us her gems in this jam-packed episode! Keep an eye out for Isabel's NEW coaching program for professionals (to be launched end of Oct 2017).
Here Isabel shares:
• Her first introduction to diet culture at just 3 years old and how it impacted her relationship with food and self into adulthood
• Flying under the radar and the journey to treatment
• Our fat phobic society, the flaws of treatment and how recovery idealism is affecting true recovery
• Understanding weight bias; the importance of the critical analysis of research
• How we are misunderstanding health; it is a spectrum, not something you have or don’t have!
• The real issues of weight stigma
• The key challenges working in this paradigm
• The importance of providing clients with the theory behind recovery measures for healing; not just providing them with another set of do’s and don’ts
• Being aware of our language so not to engage in diet mentality
• Stop Fighting Food TM and her new exciting project
Connect with Isabel:
Stop Fighting Food TM
About Isabel
Isabel on Facebook
Email list: Sign up for Coaching (professionals)
Isabel Foxen Duke is the creator of Stop Fighting Food TM, a masterclass for clients in recovery. After 5 successful years Isabel is taking on a new venture in Health at Every Size teacher training and mentorships.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Megan Bray
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Megan Bray, APD on practice-based evidence in Eating Disorders, the Clinician's lived experience and how we can all contribute to equitable care.
Please join me as I speak with the immensely passionate Megan Bray of Food Mind Body Queensland. As a registered dietitian and trainer, Megan supports eating disorders recoveries through a diet-free and body positive approach, whilst also using her own lived experience to reduce shame and support her clients through compassion and empathy.
Here Megan shares:
- Her journey to Prague for the June 2017 International Conference on Eating Disorders and importance of bringing the community together for ‘rich discussions’ to improve client approaches and recovery
- The focus on diagnoses; we need to shift towards an individualised approach
- Looking outside the manualised approach; Practise Based Evidence and how the theory can be applied
- Her lived eating disorder recovery experience and why it’s important to see a dietitian during recovery
- How sharing your own shame and vulnerabilities can creates a supportive, trusting environment and reduce client’s expectation of judgment
- Advice for Dietetic/Nutrition students who are recovering or have an Eating Disorder
- The emphasis on mentoring and supervision
- Why we need practitioners to stop engaging in disordered eating behaviours
- How ‘labels’ and ‘numbers’ can hinder recovery and how some behaviours need to be acknowledged as simply ‘human’
- The power of images/photos and the feminist and body positive movement in opening our mind to size diversity and building self-worth.
As discussed in the podcast:
Connect with Megan:
Find out more about Megan here
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Body Trust & Your best C-grade Work with Dana Sturtevant
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD, RYT on Body Trust, the power of Poetry & being a diet culture crusader!
Please join me as I speak with the inspiring Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD; nutrition therapist, yoga instructor and founder and educator at The Be Nourished Training Institute in Oregon, Portland. Dana, along with business partner Hilary Kinavey, MS, LPC, deliver programmes to health professionals and the wider community focussed on the art and science of behaviour change and advocate for Body Trust®; which they believe to be the beating heart behind the cultivation of Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating practices.
Be Nourished offer incredible provider programs, including an E-Course, six month Body Trust Provider Certification Training and supervision. Find out more, or sign up for their newsletter at:
In our conversation, Dana shares:
- How her experience in nutritional research exposed her to motivational interviewing; a critical element to her career.
- The band aid approach to research; how it promotes diet culture and neglects to investigate the root cause
- Why knowledge is not enough to change behaviour
- A beautiful match; Dana & Yoga, the powerful ability yoga has of strengthen one’s relationship with their body; both emotional, physically and mentally
- Meeting Hilary and the beginning of Be Nourished and healing the dieting mind
- The power of community and group work
- The need for adequacy NOT perfectionism – “We need more C’s not A’s”
- Her super-poetry-reciting ability and why and how she incorporates poetry into her therapy
- Body Trust® training
- Creating Brave Communities for change.
- Social justice in practise; how all oppression is connected
As discussed in the podcast:
Connect with Dana:
About Dana:
Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD, is a trainer, mentor, Kripalu Yoga teacher, and dietitian specializing in Health at Every Size® and intuitive eating. She is the cofounder of Be Nourished, a revolutionary business helping people heal body dissatisfaction and reclaim body trust. Dana loves incorporating mindfulness and self-compassion practices into her work. A member of the International Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, Dana has facilitated more than 300 workshops throughout the United States for health care providers looking to enhance their skills in behavior-change counseling. Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post. benourished.org.
Find out more about Dana here
Monday Jul 31, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Megrette Fletcher
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Megrette Fletcher on the intersection of Mindfulness, Mindful Eating and Motivational Interviewing.
How does Mindfulness practice, Mindful Eating & Motivational Interviewing fit together? Very nicely, thankyou very much! Join me as I speak with inspiring leader, author and Mindful Eating Specialist Megrette Fletcher, M.Ed., RD. CDERD as we dive down into some of the complexities of working with humans as we aim to support them to navigate their own experience. And our own!
You'll also hear us talking about:
- The natural fit of Mindfulness and Motivational Interviewing
- Megrette's early upbringing in a Christian house and her later explorations, and immersion, in Buddhist teachings
- The starting of The Center for Mindful Eating and the dining table where it all began
- How weight stigma hurts everyone, and particularly those diagnosed with a disease such as diabetes
- How a diagnosis can "set off" disordered eating, or support the re-emergence of dieting attitudes and behaviours
- Breaking the shame spiral, starting with us!
- How we can support people to get back in touch with their inherent worth and value as humans
- The importance of supervision for Dietitians
You can find Megrette here:
Including links to her books:
The Core Concepts of Mindful Eating: Professional Edition,
Discover Mindful Eating for Kids,
Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes with Dr Michelle May M.D.
Discover Mindful Eating: A resource of handouts for health professionals with Frederick Burggraf.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Transgenerational food & eating relationships with Jessica Setnick
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Jessica Setnick on transgenerational influence on food and eating experiences.
Fellow Eating Disorder Dietitian brings her fabulous unique style to this interview, as we explore ways in which we can be aware of transgenerational influences on the way we experience food, eating and our bodies.
- Jess's background in anthropology, and how this informed her Nutrition practice
- Why a transgenerational assessment is such an important part of the Dietetic consultation
- Transforming understanding from "this is a fact" to "this is a behaviour"
- How awareness of the origins of our behaviours can open up space for choice
- Separating moral judgements from behaviours
- "When you can see many possibilities, shame diminishes" - we can help people navigate possibilities!
- "No one choice makes or breaks"
- "No one is born preoccupied with food, society makes us this way...."
- How we can support parents in their efforts to feed their children in a way that fosters respect and care
- Offering meaning to the behaviours, breaking through shame
- How to use the word "regret" in a helpful way
- How storytelling is a way we talk to ourselves too
- Creating safe spaces for our clients
- When to shush, when to speak up
- The power of witnessing someone's struggle
About Jess:
Jessica Setnick has one of the most recognizable names in the eating disorders treatment world, thanks to her engaging and charismatic presentation style, her unique point of view, and her genuine ability to connect on a deep level, even from the podium. She has spent her career developing eating disorder treatment protocols in every level of care and shares her wealth of knowledge with health professionals and the public in every possible format, including the Eating Disorders Boot Camp: Training Workshop for Professionals audio course, The Eating Disorders Clinical Pocket Guide, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Pocket Guide to Eating Disorders, as Eating Disorder Editor at Recovery Campus Magazine, in the forthcoming book Managing Eating Disorders on Campus, as a CEDRD Supervisor and mentor to treating professionals around the world, and in her many, many, many presentations. Jessica’s mission is to work toward a world where everyone who needs care for eating issues has access to qualified professionals, and no one is turned away due to insurance issues or mistaken stereotypes.
You can find Jess here:
International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Anita Johnston
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Dr Anita Johnson on using metaphor and stories to bring meaning, insight and compassion into the lived experience.
Anita Johnson, author of "Eating in the Light of the Moon" is a very highly regarded Eating Disorder therapist and healer, and someone who uses metaphor and stories to support people in bringing meaning, insight and compassion to difficult life experiences. In this interview, Anita generously shares with us some of her more "famous" metaphors and some incredible pieces of wisdom including:
- Eating in the Light of the Moon as 10 year project, first published in 1996
- Why metaphors are so poweful, lessons from neurocience
- Storytelling, and "storylistening"
- Why our body signals are suchpowerful indicators, and how we learn to disconnect
- Why there is such profound meaning in the way people use food, and what we can discover along the way
- Finding meaning and themes in eating behaviours beyond the eating disorder
- Imagination as a highly valuable part of the recovery process
- The naturally changing body vs cultural pressures
- People do what they do for very good reasons,there is nothing wrong with you!
- Seeing the patterns in our behaviour - is restriction or binge eating just about the food?
- Don't look at the finger pointing at the moon, look at the moon.... (Zen saying)
- "cracking the code" of food cravings (see your free gift!)
Your free Gift here!
About Anita:
Anita Johnston, Ph.D., CEDS, is a Depth Psychologist, certified eating disorder specialist and supervisor, storyteller, and author of Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationships with Food Through Myth, Metaphor, and Storytelling, which has been published in six languages along with numerous book chapters and articles in professional journals.
She has been working in the field of women’s issues for over 35 years and is currently the Clinical Director of ‘Ai Pono Hawaii which has outpatient eating disorder programs in Honolulu, the Big Island of Hawaii, and a residential treatment program in Maui.
She is the co-creator of the Light of the Moon Café, an interactive e-course, women’s circle, and online “workbook” for Eating in the Light of the Moon.
Dr. Johnston provides individual consultations via teleconferencing and lectures around the world to professional organizations, conferences, universities, medical institutions, and the community at large. She is best known for integrating metaphor and storytelling into her training as a clinical psychologist to explain the complex issues that underlie struggles with eating, weight, and body image.
Pronunciation note:
‘Ai Pono sounds like iphone, but instead of phone you say pono (oh no with a “p” in front)
You can reach her at: anita@lightofthemooncafe.com
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Robyn Goldberg
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Robyn Goldberg on the complexities of the human experience, and what we can learn from the field of addictions.
Please join me as I chat with fellow Eating Disorder Dietitian, US-based Robyn Goldberg who has extensive experience working with people who struggle with some of the more complex relationships that can arise when we feel disconnected from our bodies. Here Robyn generously offers us a variety of ideas from her "toolbox" (with some fabulous analogies!) including:
- Insights into her work in addictions & what can help us understand about people's relationship with food and other substances
- What do we do if we're seeing someone who is also dealing with drug or alcohol addiction? What takes priority?
- How we can support people to move away from the pull of "instant gratification?"
- She asks "Are you walking your dog, or is your dog walking you?"
- How to tease apart the feeling of something "working"
- Developing a full toolbox so you don't need to keep going to the hardware store!
- Bringing self care to the dinner table, learning how to "dine with your body"
- Sending consistent messages to your client about the path to peace with food, eating and body - finding a great team!
- How we can support someone who has chronic & enduring Anorexia Nervosa
- How our work allows us to connect with body gratitude
- "Keeping our pencil sharpened" as a health professional
You can find Robyn here:
Ask About Food - Robyn Goldberg
Thursday May 25, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Marsha Hudnall
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Marsha Mudnall on the perils of perfectionism, learning from missteps and adapting mindful eating for medical conditions.
Marsha Hudnall, RD, Director of Green Mountain at Fox Run and President of The Center for Mindful Eating is uniequivocally regarded as one of the most prominent leaders of our time in Eating Disorder treatment and body healing. Marsha has spent her career dedicated to providing high quality care and treatment to women who struggle in their relationships with food, eating and their body. It's very clear from our conversation how passionate Marsha feels about supporting women to move away from diets and towards a place of peace and ease in their bodies, and is a generous and authentic supporter of fellow Dietitians....
Here Marsha shares:
- How her own healing proved pivotal in her understanding of the experiences of others.
- What we can learn from "missteps" with clients and how to embrace our own imperfection!
- How perfectionistic tendencies (within us, and our clients) get in the way of healing and leave no room for the "middle ground"
- The amazing story of Green Mountain at Fox Run and visionary RD Thelma Wayler, one of the first Non Diet Dietitians!! And the gorgeous story of how Marsha ended up at Green Mountain (don't miss it!!)
- The underlying philosophy of Green Mountain - Health At Every Size and Mindful Eating/Concious Eating and how the program brings messages of body and food peace to women
- The building of the Non Diet community
- The most common misunderstandings of Health At Every Size
- Bringing mindfulness into your life, and practice
- How we take best care of ourselves using mindful awareness in food choices
- Adapting Mindful Eating for health or medical conditions - yes, it's possible!
- Marsha's thought on Mindful Eating & weight loss, and the dilemmas we face as Dietitians
- How neuroscience can help reduce blame and increase self compassion
About Marsha:
A registered dietitian nutritionist, Marsha has been a voice of reason and a thought leader for the last three decades in helping women move away from restrictive notions of food and health so that they can better adopt a sustainable approach to eating well.
She has spent her career working to help women give up dieting rules and understand how to truly take care of themselves through mindful eating and living. Her mission is to help women learn to enjoy eating without worries about health and weight. She encourages women to embrace their love of food, which you might call being a foodie. If so, it’s appropriate because being a foodie means you pay attention when you eat -- a recipe made in heaven for eating well.
Since 1986, Marsha has been a part of Green Mountain at Fox Run, the Vermont women's retreat that pioneered the non-diet approach to health and healthy weights. An accomplished writer, she has written hundreds of articles for popular magazines, newsletters and professional journals, and has worked extensively on a national basis to produce curricula and pamphlets to educate the public about nutrition and about the impact of dieting and the diet mentality on eating behaviors, including binge eating and emotional eating.
Long active with several national professional associations, Marsha recently stepped down from the board of the Binge Eating Disorder Association in order to serve as the president of The Center for Mindful Eating.
You can find Marsha on Green Mountain’s website which features her writing on the blog A Weight Lifted. You can also reach her on Twitter @MarshaHudnall and on Green Mountain at Fox Run’s Facebook page, or email her at Marsha@fitwoman.com.
Friday May 12, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Marci Evans
Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
Marci Evans on orthorexia, mindfulness and the importance of being curious.
Please join me to hear inspiring fellow Eating Disorder Dietitian Marci Evans share some incredible pieces of wisdom, reflecting on her own experience and expanding out to the work she does with clients, and fellow Dietitians. Here she shares:
- The books that once you read it and know it, you can't "unknow it"
- How Marci moved from "mindfulness feels a bit....blah?" to "ahhhh....this is why it's important..." and how it directly translates to client outcomes
- Specifically how OUR mindfulness practice directly influences our neurobiology & be an observer of our own experience
- How we can find mindfulness in small ways, that it does take intention and and it's OK if it feels effortful.
- Staying curious to notice your whole experience, even those "eeek" moments where you might not be at your best
- Bringing self compassion into your life!
- What exactly is orthorexia?
- Why our culture is so unhelpful when it comes to orthorexia
- How orthrexia can become a socially sanctioned surrogate for the ED
- How to look out for getting distracted by what seems to be "the problem" at the expense of more meaningful conversations
- Our Body Image Workshop - please join us!!
Notes from Marci:
Orthorexia: Dunn & Bratman www.orthorexia.com
The Mindful Therapist (Dan Siegel)
Connect with Marci!
Web - www. marcird.com
Twitter @MarciRD
Instagram @MarciRD
Thursday May 04, 2017
The Mindful Dietitian with Glenys Oyston
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
Glenys Oyston on stepping away from numbers, body diversity in the professional spaces and the importance of community.
Join me as I speak with our colleague, the feirce and fabulous Dietitian Glenys Oyston as we dive down into a number of different topics relevant to our work in supporting people to heal their relationship with food, eating and their body.
Here we'll be exploring and talking about:
- Glenys' personal journey, and how her own experience helps her support others
- What exactly is "Health At Every Size?"
- How to support people to step away from numbers, and the scale
- Can we weigh people in a neutral way?
- Being a Dietitian who lives in a larger body, and her experience
- Actively promoting and welcoming body diversity in Dietetics
- Promoting HAES in Dietetic training
- The Dare Not to Diet Society - share people's wins!
- How Dietitians Unplugged Podcast came to be
About Glenys:
Glenys Oyston is a registered dietitian and eating coach who dares women to stop dieting and start living. As someone who struggled with her weight and feeling out-of-control around food for years, she knows exactly what others are going through and how to get them to food freedom. She coaches people online or by phone through one-on-one and group coaching programs. You can find her at www.daretonotdiet.com and on her podcast Dietitians Unplugged.