Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Calling BS in the Mama-Yoga-Wellness spaces with Casey Conroy
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Aussie Dietitian Casey Conroy on calling out the BS in the Mama, yoga and "wellness" spaces
- The pressures on women to be the "perfect" mother, and how we get sucked in through patriarchal systems
- Blog - "I'm not earth mother, and that's OK"
- Earth mamas & creative rainbow mamas - nurturing our children, ourselves AND our projects
- Breaking away from diet culture messages'
- The Sexy Successful Spiritual Woman - what is it, and why it hurts us
- And so much more!
More about Casey:
Web: https://www.funkyforest.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forestyogini/?hl=en
Facey: https://www.facebook.com/funkyforesthealth/
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
The Mindful Dietitian with Darcy Jongebloed Ep 2
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Darcy turns the tables and interviews Fi, asking the most common questions about Dietetic practice and HAES.
Find out Fi’s answers to;
- Why she is a non-diet dietitian?
- Has she always practiced from a non-diet lens?
- Why Fi believe it’s essential that non-diet units are included in all dietetic courses.
- The challenges she faces with students and peers who are very weight centric and opposed to HAES/non-diet and how she approaches them.
- Is HAES/non-diet a cult, extreme, black or white?
- Does Fi ever talk about weight and size with her clients?
- How to incorporate HAES/non-diet into areas where it is not so obvious such as clinical and sports dietetics.
- Two key take-aways for dietetic students, which you can start applying now!
Connect with Darcy on Instagram @darcythedietitian
Instagram @themindfuldietitian
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
The Mindful Dietitian with Darcy Jongebloed Ep 1
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Very recently graduated Dietitian Darcy Jongebloed on what it’s like being a dietetic student from a HAES/non-diet perspective, and looking at the evolution of Non Diet practice through the lens of Transtheoretical Models.
Here Darcy shares;
- How she first heard about HAES and non-diet approach.
- The opportunities she has had whilst on placement and during her studies to learn more about the human experience and apply HAES/non-diet.
- Developing a helpful resource, derived from the Transtheoretical model of behaviour change (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983) to help support fellow student dietitians/nutritionists.
- How the ‘stages of change’ may sound for those new to HAES/non-diet; students, professionals and clients.
- Some words of wisdom for other dietetic students
You can follow Darcy on Instagram at @darcythedietitian
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
From Weight Centric to Weight Inclusive with Vincci Tsui
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Vincci Tsui on transitioning from weight-centric to weight-inclusive care, the co-opting of HAES and Non Diet language and why we find it so hard to communicate in the face of weight bias & stigma.
Vincci shares her current work space, how therapeutic diets can become problematic, the factors that led to and experience working in a bariatric clinic, the issues with weight-centred health professionals ‘co-opting’ the non-diet/HAES language, transitioning to a non-diet/HAES model, acknowledging privilege and ‘bringing yourself into the room’ while with clients and why collaboration between HAES/non-diet and ‘obesity prevention’ professionals is so hard.
Here Vincci shares with us:
- Her current work space; both private and clinical, and the welcomed new inclusion of Gastrointestinal (GI) patients.
- The misconceptions of FODMAP, how therapeutic diets can become problematic and how we, as clinicians, can contribute to this.
- The factors that led Vincci to work in a bariatric clinic and her experience working within this weight centric model.
- The issue with weight-centred health professionals ‘co-opting’ the non-diet/HAES language.
- Transitioning to a non-diet/HAES model and the resources/people which helped guide her on her journey.
- The importance of acknowledging privilege and ‘bringing yourself into the room’ to provide a richer experience for clients; ‘we cannot remain neutral!’.
- Attending the ASDAH conference in August.
- Collaboration between HAES/non-diet and ‘obesity prevention’ professionals - why it is so difficult (For more on this topic check out Vincci’s most recent blog post; ‘Let’s talk about Weight Bias and Stigma’.)
- Why we need to go deeper than the ‘palatable’ stuff, be conscious of our language and not always be nice and restrain ourselves.
- And something you may not have known about Fi (The Mindful Dietitian)!
Connect with Vincci through:
Friday Jul 20, 2018
From Niceness to Kindness with Jessica Campbell
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Jessica Campbell on showing up, doing the work and the issues around "niceness"
Here Jess shares:
- Her experience and the challenges as a medical student, bringing with her a background in HAES/non-diet nutrition and time spent interacting and being with clients.
- About the ‘Alternative Category’ – diversifying the allied health field and attracting questioners and curious students (way to go OTAGO!).
- The importance of being curious and asking the core, but uncomfortable, questions both internally and externally to encourage the integration of social justice into allied health, nutrition and dietetics.
- Showing up and wanting to learn versus showing up and wanting to do the personal work.
- Why it’s crucial that we as health professionals examine, acknowledge and accept our privilege with honesty and how these privileges influence our bias.
- ‘Doing the work’ – what does/could this mean for you?
- ‘As helping professionals, we are educated to leave ourselves at the door’; how sitting with the ‘uncomfortable’, allowing emotions and validating can facilitate true healing.
- The shame response; ‘it’s not our privilege parameter that we should feel any shame and guilt about, it’s our inability to recognise it, and then once recognised, failing to act or allowing its enactment’
- The ‘but I’ve worked hard’ response; failing to recognise that privilege and oppression dictates/impacts access.
- What is ‘tone-policing’, how it impacts and how we can respond.
- The harmful expert badge - ‘A whole other podcast’ – ah yes please!!
Connect with Jess through her:
About Jess:
Jessica Campbell BSc PgDip, is a Non-Diet Nutritionist & Medical Student passionate about weight inclusive healthcare practices, eating disorder prevention & therapies.
Jess is a New Zealand based non-diet nutritionist at Body Balance Nutrition, a group practice providing food and body positive nutrition and dietetic care and eating disorder recovery services in person and online New Zealand wide.
Jess is active in the HAES New Zealand working group and co-facilitates, with her fab colleague Sarah Peck NZRD, the NZ Diet Free Nutrition and Health Professionals online network.
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Ethical Entrepreneurship & Facing Your Fears with Haley Goodrich
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Haley Goodrich on ethical entrepeneurship, building a HAES-centered business, and facing your fears.....
Here Haley shares:
- Her path from graduating to becoming an entrepreneur in the dietetic space.
- Dietitians and private practice; why it is not generally the ‘recommended’ or ‘ideal’ trajectory for dietetic students and the layers that contribute to this.
- The entrepreneurial world; braving the wilderness, being vulnerable and taking risks.
- The hope for future dietetic students; “We need to breakdown the normalising of limiting beliefs – more mind work!”.
- The skills and understandings that can help you build a HAES centred business.
- Straddling the fence? The common fears of jumping fully in and by doing so, how it can contribute to success.
- The importance of a clear, consistent and personally aligned message and a helpful activity that can get you started!
- ‘Speaking up and out’; sharing your authentic voice and story and the spaces available in this paradigm for growth and development.
- The need for reflection and ‘pause’; how she approaches it.
- More about her business coaching; how she got started and the support it provides for those wanting to start a private practice.
Connect with Haley:
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Mindfulfulness & "De-Experting" with Vania Phitidis
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Vania Phitidis on "de-experting" ourselves, building a compassionate mindfulness practice, and how diet culture tries to steal mindful eating...
Here Vania shares:
- The up’s and down’s of social media and online connections.
- Using mindfulness and objectivity to cultivate positive and diverse content.
- Understanding the ‘Mere-Exposure Effect’ in the HAES/non-diet paradigm.
- ‘Needing clothes that fit bodies, not bodies that fit clothes’; the lack of size diversity in fashion inhibiting opportunities for self-expression.
- The humble and beautiful synergy of mindfulness and mindful eating.
- How mindfulness supports the practitioner-client relationship and provides space for clients to be with their own experience.
- Building mindfulness skills through a dedicated and consistent practice and the importance of being patient and compassionate during the process, for ourselves and our clients.
- Using mindfulness to ‘de-expert’ and apply a ‘beginner’s mind’.
- An introduction to RAIN, naturally moving, the need to belong and being good to ourselves.
- Introducing our clients to mindfulness and how we can encourage the practice whilst being thoughtful to diet mentality ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking.
Tara Brach - RAIN meditation (The RAIN of self-compassion)
Connect with Vania:
Monday Jun 04, 2018
How do Dietitians REALLY feel about their bodies? with Anna Sweeney
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Anna Sweeney on how Dietitians *really* feel about their bodies, promoting diversity in Dietetics and therapeutic diets - separating the shit from the sandwich.
Here Anna shares:
- Her journey to becoming an eating disorders dietitian and involvement in Monte Nido treatment facilities.
- The beauty of Boston; richness of HAES/non-diet practitioners.
- The major findings of her recently conducted ‘Body Image and Eating Disorder Nutrition Professionals Survey’; an opportunity for self-reflection.
- Asking the hard questions; how the survey results may impact our clients and how we can improve client-centred practice.
- The important issues and consequences surrounding the lack of diversity in dietetics.
- Her personal lived-experience with progressing multiple sclerosis (MS) and insight into applying a therapeutic diet.
- On therapeutic diets; ‘We do significant harm if we are not exceptionally thoughtful when making recommendations about food choices and dietary changes that will impact our clients lives – in every single part of their existence”.
- The importance of being curious with our clients, validating their concerns, instilling compassion and supporting autonomy when navigating therapeutic and/or restrictive diets.
- Her recent project with @with_this_body - keep an eye out!
Connect with Anna through her:
More about Anna:
Anna Sweeney, MS, RD, LDN, CEDRD-S, is a non-diet, health at every size dietitian who specializes in the treat of eating disorders, disordered eating and body image concerns. She is the National Director of Nutrition Services for Monte Nido, an eating disorder treatment program with many locations across the United States. Anna is also the owner of Whole Life Nutrition Counseling, an outpatient nutrition therapy practice dedicated solely to the care of clients who are working through the process of healing their relationships with food and body. Anna is an active member of her local eating disorder treatment community and has spoken both locally and nationally on topics related to eating disorder treatment and recovery.
Anna is also a disabled woman who is working to bring all her parts to the work that she is so passionate about.
Thursday May 24, 2018
The Mindful Dietitian with Paige Smathers
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Paige Smathers, RD on the intersection of addictions, eating disorders and body image, the cultural epidemic of fat phobia & stepping into your true value as a professional!
Here Paige shares:
- Her experience working in diverse fields as a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist.
- Her involvement in the addiction recovery space and how she incorporated research, her practice and personal experiences to develop the fundamental ‘Substance Use Disorders’ Curriculum.
- The intersection between addictions and body image, eating disorders and disordered eating.
- The cultural epidemic of fat phobia and weight bias and how this impacts socially conscious groups.
- Raising awareness of eating disorder and disordered eating behaviours, attitudes and language; how to approach these conversations with clients and colleagues in order to seek neutrality through bridging the gap.
- The importance of providing space for compassion.
- How she teaches and acknowledges ‘change’ within her lessons.
- Mindfulness in the addictions field through learning to care for ourselves and sitting with pain.
- Acknowledging your worth as a professional in this paradigm.
More about Paige:
Paige Smathers is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist from Salt Lake City, Utah with incredible diversity in her professional work. She provides nutritional therapy for individuals in eating disorder recovery and for those struggling with chronic dieting within her private practice, Positive Nutrition. She also teaches multiple online courses and provides lessons to individuals within substance use treatment/recovery facilities in Utah. Paige has a wealth of knowledge in this area which has been acknowledgement through her development of the Positive Nutrition Substance Use Disorders Curriculum. In addition, Paige is a consultant, presenter and the host of the ‘Nutrition Matters’ podcast. On her spare days, you’ll find Paige partaking in many of the exciting mountain and outdoor activities on offer in this beautiful part of the world.
Connect with Paige through her:
Friday May 11, 2018
Performative Health and Unlearning with Dr Lilia Graue
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Dr Lilia Graue, MD, LMFT on performative health, being with our own experiences and "reclaiming the white coat"
How Lilia first came to Mindful Eating through yoga and meditation
Her journey through medical school
Becoming more open and explicit with mindfulness
The "inside-out" process and becoming more familiar with our own mind and body
Cultivating attunement allows us to be with our clients from a place of genuine love
Kindness and compassion in action, the common human experience
Showing up in ways which honour the human experience and acknowledge that we have so many shared experiences
The ways our training discourages us to "be with" our clients.
What's our common aim? To ease suffering and to heal.
The important of "unlearning"
How our sense of embodiment gets beaten out of us by diet culture, how our natural way of showing up gets lost
What is "radical?" = "at the root"
What is "performative health" vs "embodiment"
Performative health robs us of authentic connection - with ourselves, and with others.
We're all part of the system which tells us to look, act, talk and be a certain way.
There's a very warped sense of belonging in replicating the patterns we are taught are normative in our professions a opposed to being our unique and rebellious selves
Reclaiming "the white coat"
Lilia Graue, MD, LMFT, is an eating disorders specialist and clinical supervisor; mindfulness, compassion and mindful eating instructor; certified therapeutic and restorative yoga teacher; death doula; bereavement counselor; Certified Body Trust® Provider; and Healthy Boundaries for Kind People Certified Coach and Facilitator. Having completed postgraduate training in medical family therapy and body psychotherapy, and with 18 years of clinical experience, she is intimately familiar with bodies and minds and our healing processes, and how we relate to, nourish and take care of ourselves and our bodies in ways that bring us closer to wholeness, radical presence, fierce embodiment and joy.
Lilia practices at the intersection of different healing modalities, centering lived experience and the body as a source of knowing, with a depth and scope very few providers can offer. Her own life experiences with developmental and complex trauma, depression, anxiety, navigating the daily challenges of living with chronic pain, and a healing journey that has involved extensive psychotherapy, as well as mind-body practices, have shaped the way she approaches her suffering and that of others. She considers it her privilege, purpose and deepest source of fulfillment to be able to witness and support others in their own healing path.
Lilia loves working with providers who are navigating the challenges of advocating bravely for body liberation, embodiment and freedom from performative health, and who wish to cultivate and honor boundaries that allow for their self care and replenishing empathy and compassion.
Her practice is rooted in intersectional feminism. It is trauma informed, weight inclusive and trans inclusive, and grounded in the principles of Body Respect, Body Trust® and Health at Every Size® (HAES®). She is Mexican and provides services in both English and Spanish.
Lilia is an avid amateur cook, baker, and foodie. She and her partner share their home with their beloved cats, Thomas and Ziggy.
Facebook - Fiercely Embodied
Connect with Lilia on Facebook: